
Mca XBRL Filing

XBRL Filing at MCA portal For Digital Signature Certificates

Process for filing financial statements in XBRL form in MCA21 system:

1 - Creation of XBRL instance document:

A. Map Company's each financial statement element to a corresponding element in published taxonomy

  1. Firstly each & every element in the Financial Statement of the company should be converted into a corresponding element in the Business Taxonomy. To get this done, the companies have to do tagging (classification) of the XBRL taxonomy elements with the corresponding accounting heads in the Financial Statements. This mapping of taxonomy elements will help to convert the accounting related information into XBRL format.
  2. Creation of instance document for Balance sheet and Profit and loss Account - Having passed the mapping & classification stage, an instance document is to be created for the financial statements. An instance document is a XML file that contains business reporting information and represents a collection of financial facts and report-specific information using tags from the XBRL taxonomy.
Separate instance documents need to be created for the following:
  1. Stand Alone Balance sheet of the company
  2. Stand Alone Profit and Loss Account of the company
    Consolidated Balance sheet & Consolidated Profit and Loss Account of the company.
    1. It is to be noted that no extensions to the core Taxonomy will be allowed
    2. Review and verify the instance document Once the instance document is prepared, it needs to be ensured that the instance document is a valid instance document and all the information has been correctly captured in the instance document
  3. Download XBRL validation tool from MCA portal Validating the instance document is a pre requisite before filing the balance sheet and profit & loss account on MCA portal. A validation tool is to be downloaded from MCA portal to validate the instance document. The validation should be done according the business taxonomy available on the MCA portal
  4. Perform pre-scrutiny of the validated instance document through the tool Once the instance document is successfully validated from the tool, the next step is to pre-scrutinise the validated instance document with the help of the same tool. This can be easily done by connecting to internet
  5. Attach instance document to the Form 23AC and Form 23ACA There shall be a separate set of Form 23AC and Form 23ACA available on the MCA portal for filing in XBRL form. After filing the form on MCA portal a validated & prescrutinized instance document is to be attached for Balance sheet, Profit & Loss A/C & Consolidated financial Statements. Separate instance documents need to be attached w.r.t. Standalone financial statements and consolidated financial statements
  6. Submitting the Form 23ACA and Form 23ACA on the MCA portal Once the instance documents are validated & pre-scrutinize, e-form can be uploaded easily on the MCA portal
  7. Viewing of balance sheet and profit and loss submitted in XBRL form on MCA portal: The XBRL instance documents submitted along with Form 23AC and 23ACA are in machine readable format. Therefore, for viewing the same in a human readable format, these shall be converted into human readable format by the MCA21 system. For viewing the same on MCA21 portal and for taking certified copies of the same, these converted documents shall be made available. Xbrl Software Convert To XBRL Software is an xbrl software which helps in a
    1. Easy Tagging through Excel/Word/PDF
    2. Internal Validation tool
    3. Import Facility in Excel Format
    4. Facility to prepare all Schedules Simultaneously ( Multiuser Licenses )
    5. Live update facility for latest version of Taxonomy
    6. Inbuilt XBRL viewer for viewing before certifying it