Patent / Trademark e-Filing
Digital Signature for IPO e-filing or e-filing of Patents and Trademarks

The Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (CGPDTM) has stipulated a Class-III category certificate for e-Filing of Patent and Trademarks applications in India. Therefore, for e-filing at http://www.ipindia.nic.in applicant / agent must have a valid class 3 digital signature certificate. Applicant has the option of having either and individual digital signature or he can also take a digital signature for organization. A person who already has the specified Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for any other application can use the same for e-filing of a patent application and it is not required to obtain a fresh DSC. Agents can file applications of multiple patents / Trademark for their customers by using the same Digital signature. The e-Filing systems for Patents and Trademarks are designed to support Class III Digital Signature Certificates (DSC). You may obtain your Class III DSC from the following Certifying Authorities in India.



Emudhra class 3 digital signature form Individual Emudhra class 3 digital signature ORGANISATION form
Class 3 digital signature for Patent / Trademark eFiling documents

Indian Patent Office has embarked on an ambitious initiative of accepting online the applications for the patents. Class 3 Digital Certificate issued by Emudhra is the cheapest DSC available for the applicants to Indian Patent Office. It is mandated for agents, organizations or individuals who need to apply to IPO for patents. Emudhra is a class III certificate, the highest class of Certificate.

Emudhra DSC enables IPO to identify the applicant when he interacts online with the IPO.

Emudhra DSC is issued after due verification of the identity of applicants as per the guidelines of the IT Act 2000. The applicant is issued Emudhra DSC which comes with a validity of one or two year.

Based on the nature of the applicant; agent, organization or individual; a separate type of Emudhra DSC is issued taking the verification to the higher level.

Benefits of Emudhra DSC: Emudhra DSC enables the applicant to interact with IPO via Internet and thus, reducing the application processing time and increasing convenience. Online applications and the availability of information bring with it a higher level of transparency and accountability.

How to Buy Digital Signature Certificates for e-filing of IPO and Patent Right and Trademark?
  1. Download / Obtain the IPO DSC or Digital Signature Application form for Individuals / organization from us
  2. Read the application form carefully and fill the form with complete and correct information
  3. Enclose the Required Supportive documents which are described in application form itself
  4. Send us the Complete Application form for Patent Right and Trademark Digital Signature Certificates along with Payment of the required fees
  5. We will issue the Digital Signature Certificates as per requirement and give it to you on same day

You can opt for any of the following mode of payments to buy you DSC Cash /Cheque /DD in favour of Emastersindia.net Payable at Kolkata.

Direct Deposit: HDFC BANK Current Account No. 00142000024323, Central Plaza, Kolkata. For Online Transfer use IFSC Code: HDFC0000014 along with our bank account number. For Credit Card Payment, please contact us.

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