DGFT Digital signature is issued to the organization/people who have obtained a valid IEC (Import Export Code) from DGFT. It is mandatory to have Digital Signature to be able to communicate with DGFT online. For organisation authorised individual has to apply for DGFT Digital Signature. DGFT Digital signatures can be issued to multiple people from same company.
It is compulsory to use Digital Signature for applying DFRC, EPCG, Advance License, Focus Market Scheme (FMS), and Vishesh Krishi Upaj Yojna (VKUY) from DGFT.
Apart from traditional ways you can buy online dgft digital signature from emastersindia.net.
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Buy nexim digital signature certificate by Ncode solutions
Buy Emudhra dgft digital signature
New nexim digital signature application form
Renewal application form of nexim - Ncode solutions
New safeexim digital signature application form
Renewal application form of safeexim - Safescrypt Ltd