IREPS Digital Signature : IREPS is an official portal of Indian Railways for the procurement of Goods, Works, Services, and Materials. Indian Railways invites Tenders and Bids through the process of E-Tendering, E-Bidding, or E-Auction.
This portal provides a secure platform to the Bidders for online procurement and sale of Tenders. To perform tender-related works and other activities requires a valid Digital Signature Certificate.
All Vendors and Contractors who want to join in the procurement process need a valid Class 3 Digital Signature to submit a Bid and Tenders. Bidders/vendors must get a Class 3 DSC issued by authorized agencies and register themselves on the IREPS Portal to participate in tenders.
Class 3 Combo DSC : This is a Signature with an Encryption Certificate stored in a USB Token. You can easily use the DSC on your computer system additionally It is the highest level of secured DSC in the country. Signing Certificate requires signing data/documents while encryption requires encrypting data/documents. You can submit all types of tenders and complete all verifications with this class 3 combo DSC.
IRCTC (Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd.) has introduced booking of E-tickets by official agents of IATA/Members of TAAI via Internet. In order to do this through IRCTC website, accredited agents will have to procure legally valid digital certificates issued by a licensed Certifying Authority such as Ncode, Sify or emudhra. With this new technology, registered IRCTC agents using Digital Signature Certificates will be able to issue Railway tickets from the comfort of their homes. This will ensure speedy and secure business giving it a 365 x 24 X 7 element.
For IRCTC login the agents will have to obtain a Class 3 Digital Certificate. The Digital Certificate of the agent and/or member will be authenticate by IRCTC application when the user logs in and if authenticated, will allow him to book e-tickets only without applying any restriction on the number of tickets to be booked.
System Requirements for Registration
Click on New Vendors or Contractors Registration
Insert your DSC Token into the USB Drive on Computer
Click to Select the DSC of your Firm Select button
Fill up the user Details and Organization Details
Upload Documents and Submit your Request
Finally, You will Receive Confirmation of IREPS on email ID